By Ezra Rocha at The Ascendant Healing & Metaphysics LLC on Sunday, December 11, 2022
For this transit forecast I will be referencing Human Design, the I’Ching, the Human Energy Field, Energy Centers or Chakras, and Western / Tropical Astrology. If you do not have a basic understanding of these systems, this information may be hard to digest. Please only take what resonates and leave the rest as this is a collective reading and not everyone will walk away with messages specifically for them.
Online Events
Moon Day Magick Twitter Space: Receive a week ahead tarot and oracle reading and a personal one card pull every Monday at 7 a.m. PT. Click here to attend the live Twitter Space on Monday, December 12, 2022 at 7 a.m. Pacific. This Space will not be recorded.
The Sassy Medium Twitter Space: Receive a personal one card pull and intuitive guidance from me in exchange for promoting pinned Tweets in the Space. This week I will be joined by my friend and fellow NFT artist @Baron_S_Art. Click here to attend the live Twitter Space on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 8 a.m. Pacific. This Space will not be recorded.
Winter Equinox Story Telling Celebration: Stop by and listen to Indigenous stories from across the globe during the Winter Equinox - the time of story telling! I will also be releasing the White Raven Woman AI Art Collection on Tezos and sharing some of the pieces in the Space. Click here to attend the live Twitter Space on December 21, 2022 at 5 p.m. Pacific. This Space will be recorded.
Carols on Twitter Spaces: Join my friend @Baron_S_Art and I as we sing Christmas Carols! Everyone is welcome and you are more than welcome to jump on stage to sing or hang out in the audience to share holiday cheer. Click here to attend the live Twitter Space on December 22, 2022 at 4 p.m. Pacific. This Space will not be recorded.
How do astrology transits work?
You can learn more about this in this previous post.
Rave Week Calendar for December 12th to December 18th 2022
We previously used the Monthly Calendar to track weekly transits. The 7 Day Calendar is more precise, moving forward we will be using the 7 Day Calendar to track transits and you get 9 additional planets at no extra charge. Planets with Rx next to them are Retrograde. All times are in Military & Pacific Time, please use Google to convert to your local time zone.
The Nodal Season of the Collective
First we will look at the current season (11/27/22 at 12:06 a.m. PT to 2/06/22 at 6:34 a.m. PT) of astrological weather by taking a peek at the Nodes of the Moon for the current week.
The South Node indicates our past life and lessons to assimilate. It’s also the point where energy is being exerted and where disharmonies of the 3rd House can become draining in your natal chart. In the 3rd House, issues may come up around siblings, immediate neighbors, the physical environment, day-to-day associates, short journeys, communication, writing, learning, religion, spirituality, and education.
The South Node is in Gate 44 Line 6 for the entire week, which is a theme related to 12°-13° Scorpio. You may feel the need to withdraw in order to avoid too much attention.
At a lower vibration this season may feel distrustful & misjudging with interference looming overhead. At a high vibration this season will compel a team to come together to create effortless symmetry.
The North Node indicates your current direction and current life’s purpose. It’s also the point where energy is being received and where harmonies of the 9th House can become extraordinary in your natal chart. In the 9th House, harmonies include long journeys, travel, foreign lands, religion, spirituality, astrology, omens, dreams, divination, learning and places of learning, universities, and churches.
The North Node is in Gate 24 Line 6 for the entire week, which is a theme related to 12°-13° Taurus. During the current nodal season, it is important to follow your personal Authority. This is especially important if you notice yourself revisiting a cycle of your life with the opportunity to make a choice that was not previously made.
At a lower vibration this season may lead you to experience feeling frozen and addictive with an overhead feeling of addiction. At a high vibration this season may result in new inventions being created leading to focused silence.
7 Days of Sun & Earth Transits
Monday, December 12, 2022 is a 5th Line Day starting at 11:38 a.m. PT, which is all about being practical, active, creating stability, and showing longevity. In the environment we have the Sun in Hexagram 26 Line 5 at 20°45’00” to 21°41’15” Sagittarius in the 10th House and the Earth in Hexagram 45 Line 5 at 20°45’00” to 21°41’15” Gemini in the 4th House.
Today your purpose is to fulfill your needs first and the needs of others with the will power of Sagittarius. Your will power is a valuable tool and when managed well – it can create beautiful experiences in your life. At a low vibration this can feel like manipulation and boastfulness with an overhead feeling of pride. At a high vibration this can feel like artfulness leading into invisibility.
10th House topics include dignity, public reputation, fame, eminence, the career you are most known for, superiors such as managers and bosses at work.
Today you can embody stability and presence that supports the highest good of the community you serve. By being virtuous, you attract people who are confident in your ability to independently lead or care for the wellbeing of everyone. At a low vibration this can feel like timidness and pompousness with an overhead feeling of dominance. At a high vibration this can feel like synthesis leading into communion.
4th House topics include ancestors, fatherly figures, Earth, land, property, places of residence, endings, and end of life care or themes.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022 is a 6th Line Day at 9:46 a.m. PT, which is all about being aloof, resting, evaluating, and judging things in our life from a bird’s eye perspective. In the environment we have the Sun in Hexagram 26 Line 6 at 21°41’15” to 22°37’30” of Sagittarius in the 12th House and the Earth in Hexagram 45 Line 6 at 21°41’15” to 22°37’30” of Gemini in the 6th House.
Today your purpose is to fulfill your needs first and the needs of others with the will power of Sagittarius. Balancing your internal energies will create long lasting results, especially if you have been accumulating energy over a long period of time. At a low vibration this can feel like manipulation and boastfulness with an overhead feeling of pride. At a high vibration this can feel like artfulness leading into invisibility.
12th House topics include hidden enemies, imprisonment, confinement, self-undoing, illness, death, large animals, and music.
Today you can embody stability and presence that supports the highest good of the community you serve. Being dependent on yourself will create an energy that is unfazed by other peoples’ lower vibrational energy. At a low vibration this can feel like timidness and pompousness with an overhead feeling of dominance. At a high vibration this can feel like synthesis leading into communion.
6th House topics include health problems, illness, nurses, healthcare workers, lack of recognition, unrewarded work, servants, and small animals.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 is a 1st Line Day at 7:54 a.m. PT, which is all about doing your own research in order to become an authority or preparing yourself to be questioned. In the environment we have the Sun in Hexagram 11 Line 1 at 22°37’30” to 23°33’45” of Sagittarius in the 1st House and the Earth in Hexagram 12 Line 1 at 22°37’30” to 23°33’45” of Gemini in the 7th House.
Today your purpose is to make small efforts of harmony within yourself so that they can emanate outward into the world. You may attract the right people to share your ideas with, especially if their auras resonate at the same frequency as your own. At a low vibration this can feel obscure and unrealistic with an overhead feeling of inconspicuousness. At a high vibration this can feel like idealism leading into light.
1st House topics include the body, the self, the aura, appearance, main characters, temperament, personality, quality of mind, and how one communicates.
Today you can embody standstill and pause until the moment is right to express what you are feeling. Your need for inner sanctum will be well appreciated by others in a world full of chaos. At a low vibration this can feel like being elitist and malicious with an overhead feeling of vanity. At a high vibration this can feel like discrimination leading into purity.
7th House topics include 1-on-1 relationships, marriage, partners, opponents, open enemies, the other party in a business transaction, and horary astrology.
Thursday, December 15, 2022 is a 2nd Line Day at 6:01 a.m. PT, which is all about being called or being given the opportunity to respond to something the Universe manifested in our direct reality. In the environment we have the Sun in Hexagram 11 Line 2 at 23°33’45” to 24°30’00” of Sagittarius in the 1st House and the Earth in Hexagram 12 Line 2 at 16°03’45” to 17°00’00” of Gemini in the 7th House.
Today your purpose is to make small efforts of harmony within yourself so that they can emanate outward into the world. Create a peaceful environment for your ideas to grow by tolerating others, creating resolutions, and sticking to your vision. At a low vibration this can feel obscure and unrealistic with an overhead feeling of inconspicuousness. At a high vibration this can feel like idealism leading into light.
1st House topics include the body, the self, the aura, appearance, main characters, temperament, personality, quality of mind, and how one communicates.
Today you can embody standstill and pause until the moment is right to express what you are feeling. Discipline to your commitments will create more peace in your life overall. At a low vibration this can feel like being elitist and malicious with an overhead feeling of vanity. At a high vibration this can feel like discrimination leading into purity.
7th House topics include 1-on-1 relationships, marriage, partners, opponents, open enemies, the other party in a business transaction, and horary astrology.
Friday, December 16, 2022 is a 3rd Line Day at 4:09 a.m. PT, which is all about collisions, impacts, and even more things from the Universe for us to respond to. In the environment we have the Sun in Hexagram 11 Line 3 at 24°30’00” to 25°26’15” of Sagittarius in the 2nd House and the Earth in Hexagram 12 Line 3 at 24°30’00” to 25°26’15” of Gemini in the 8th House.
Today your purpose is to make small efforts of harmony within yourself so that they can emanate outward into the world. Discernment will be very important today – you will be called to sort between things that are relevant and irrelevant while maintaining a state of peace and calm. At a low vibration this can feel obscure and unrealistic with an overhead feeling of inconspicuousness. At a high vibration this can feel like idealism leading into light.
2nd House topics include money, small belongings, material assets, livelihood, material fortune, and partners & associates.
Today you can embody standstill and pause until the moment is right to express what you are feeling. Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow with humility. At a low vibration this can feel like being elitist and malicious with an overhead feeling of vanity. At a high vibration this can feel like discrimination leading into purity.
8th House topics include death, fear, anxiety, lack of control, other people’s money, and legacies.
Saturday, December 17, 2022 is a 4th Line Day at 2:15 a.m. PT, which is all about transpersonal friendliness, shopping, being active, and buying into new ideas. In the environment we have the Sun in Hexagram 11 Line 4 between 25°26’15” to 26°22’30” of Sagittarius in the 3rd House and the Earth in Hexagram 12 Line 4 between 25°26’15” to 26°22’30” of Gemini in the 9th House.
Today your purpose is to make small efforts of harmony within yourself so that they can emanate outward into the world. If you share your ideas with others today, they may only be received by a select few especially if your ideas are complex or require a specific level of knowledge. At a low vibration this can feel obscure and unrealistic with an overhead feeling of inconspicuousness. At a high vibration this can feel like idealism leading into light.
3rd House topics include siblings, immediate neighbors, the physical environment, day-to-day associates, short journeys, communication, writing, learning, religion, spirituality, and education.
Today you can embody standstill and pause until the moment is right to express what you are feeling. Your attunement to the Earth will allow you to forecast when change is coming – this can simply be a feeling, but how you express this feeling will require tact. At a low vibration this can feel like being elitist and malicious with an overhead feeling of vanity. At a high vibration this can feel like discrimination leading into purity.
9th House topics include long journeys, travel, foreign lands, religion, spirituality, astrology, omens, dreams, divination, learning, places of learning, universities, and churches.
Sunday, December 18, 2022 starts as a 5th Line Day at 00:22 a.m. PT, which is all about being practical, active, creating stability, and showing longevity. In the environment we have the Sun in Hexagram 11 Line 5 at 26°22’30” to 27°18’45” Sagittarius in the 3rd House and the Earth in Hexagram 12 Line 5 at 26°22’30” to 27°18’45” Gemini in the 9th House.
Today your purpose is to make small efforts of harmony within yourself so that they can emanate outward into the world. When you serve others you will experience an overflow of expansive ideas. At a low vibration this can feel obscure and unrealistic with an overhead feeling of inconspicuousness. At a high vibration this can feel like idealism leading into light.
3rd House topics include siblings, immediate neighbors, the environment around you, day to day associates, short journeys, communication, writing, learning, religion, spirituality, and education.
Today you can embody standstill and pause until the moment is right to express what you are feeling. Align with the parts of yourself that are empowering to yourself and others – they are a gift to all of humanity. At a low vibration this can feel like being elitist and malicious with an overhead feeling of vanity. At a high vibration this can feel like discrimination leading into purity.
9th House topics include long journeys, travel, foreign lands, religion, spirituality, astrology, omens, dreams, divination, higher educational learning, universities, and churches.
At 10:28 p.m. PT the 5th Line quality becomes 6th Line, leading into the next day.
Final Thoughts
Astrological transits will be experienced by everyone differently. Just because you do not experience a transit does not mean you are missing out on anything. The only way to find out how a transit affects your personal aura is by looking at your chart or through a 1-on-1 reading with me, another astrologer or Human Design analyst.
If any part of this resonates with your week, please let me know on the Contact page, by DM, or email. If you attended our Twitter Space LIVE, shout out to you for showing up, to all of the listeners in the live audience and on the recording, thank you so much for your support. And to the readers of the blog, I love you! See you next week!
Cited Materials
- Noelle G. Chart Party
- Understanding the Transit Program by Ra Uru Hu
- The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation by Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu
- The Lunar Nodes: Your Key to Excellent Chart Interpretation by Judith A. Hill
- Hellenistic Astrology for the Modern Mystic
- Planetary Joys by Chris Brennan
- Kepler College on YouTube