Soothing and Restorative: What to Expect During a Reiki Session

Soothing and Restorative: What to Expect During a Reiki Session

Recently one of my clients asked me "what do I do during my reiki session?". I proceeded to offer them tips for their session based on what my other clients do.

They suggested this would be a great blog post to reference for anyone who doesn't know what to do during their reiki sessions. During a reiki session, clients often experience a sense of relaxation and balance as the practitioner channels energy to facilitate healing.

What to do during your reiki session

  • Do not drive or operate heavy machinery during a session. During the session, a person may go into a restful state or even fall asleep and it is important that they are in a safe space just in case they do fall asleep.
  • Do not take recreational drugs or consume alcohol. Post reiki appointment, some people may experience emotional purging. Recreational drugs and/or alcohol can intensify this experience creating an unsafe environment for the person who received the healing.
  • Do bring your crystals, sprays, and oils. Especially if these items are infused with healing energy. A reiki session can heighten their affects or even recharged them.
  • Do feel free to get comfortable. You are welcome to sit in a chair or lie down during your session. Some people fall asleep - I will unobtrusively exit the session and allow you to sleep peacefully.
  • Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes. Loose fitting clothes allow the blood to flow in the body without any restrictions. A reiki session can increase blood flow to certain parts of the body or organs.
  • Bring your four legged friends. Animals love reiki too! And they will either assist with your healing or receive residual energy to experience their own healing during your session at no extra charge.
  • Request to record your session. Some of my clients prefer to record their sessions so they can rewatch or listen to them at a later time to re-experience the healing session.

Is there something I missed on this list? Comment your Reiki Session to-dos below!

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